5G Crisis: 2019 Awareness & Accountability Summit

The UK started rolling out its 5G system in May 2019. Whilst much of the discourse concerns the new tech possibilities, and the quest for ever-faster, higher performance mobile phones, many are concerned about the health consequences. There is currently an absence of detailed studies about the potential effects of 5G.

The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit is online and FREE from 
August 26 – September 1, 2019.

In order to get informed, there are now various resources available, and one of these is an online summit, designed to give in-depth coverage to the health issues.

This will give you the opportunity, from August 26th, to get fully up to speed on the implications of the new technologies, and what the increase in frequencies will mean for our health and that of our children.

If you have questions about the general implications of 5G, and especially if you are a health practitioner, you can book your place on this important summit by clicking on the image below.

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