One-day equine massage workshop at Horses Inside Out

I am just back from a one-day workshop with Gillian Higgins at Horses Inside Out. Massage is the art of manipulation of soft body tissues with the hands. The workshop aimed at improving our skills in massage for horses. During the day, we worked with five lovely horses. Toby, Norman (shown above), Pumpernickel, Mowgli, and …

Horses inside out Seminar season

I wanted to give a shout-out for Gillian Higgins’ Autumn/Winter season of online seminars on equine anatomy, posture and movement. She has written many books of excellence: Posture and Performance; How your horse moves; and Horse anatomy for performance, amongst others. Highly recommended! Her training courses are in-depth and give valuable insight to both practitioners …

Healing with Horse Telesummit 2021

So delighted to have been offered the chance to speak at the 2021 Healing with Horse Telesummit which is taking place at this time. My conversation with Diedre West focuses on the use of distance kinesiology to help horses, and we look at how we can identify issues at distance, using muscle response testing. …