Establishment and management of Herbal Leys

Herbal Leys Workshop I spent yesterday at Farm-Ed near Chipping Norton, on a one-day course on Herbal Leys: Establishment & Management. The aim of the day was to build understanding around the Herbal Ley. In simple terms, a herbal lay is a parcel of land that has been sown with grass, legume, and herb seed. …

One-day equine massage workshop at Horses Inside Out

I am just back from a one-day workshop with Gillian Higgins at Horses Inside Out. Massage is the art of manipulation of soft body tissues with the hands. The workshop aimed at improving our skills in massage for horses. During the day, we worked with five lovely horses. Toby, Norman (shown above), Pumpernickel, Mowgli, and …

Ulcers and gastric issues in horses

Gastric issues in horses are extremely serious and can cause great pain. There are essentially two kinds of ulceration. One of these occurs in the upper or squamous part of the stomach. The other, in the lower or glandular region. Ulcers are unfortunately all too common in racing and competition horses. We will consider here …

Ragwort, rewilding and diversity

In a recent post, I described the Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea), as one of the plants most toxic to horses. In this post, I look at a related issue, concerning Ragwort and Rewilding. Description: Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) is a biennial plant, abundant in Britain. It can grow from 30cm to a meter in height. Ragwort has …

Holy Fire III™ Karuna Reiki

I have just spent an amazing weekend in the company of William Lee Rand and 23 Reiki Masters from all over the world, who came together to take William’s Holy Fire III™ Karuna Reiki Master Teacher’s training, beamed from Hana, in Hawaii, 25th, 26th and 27th of September, 2020. William’s course was inspirational and in …