Horses inside out Seminar season

I wanted to give a shout-out for Gillian Higgins’ Autumn/Winter season of online seminars on equine anatomy, posture and movement. She has written many books of excellence: Posture and Performance; How your horse moves; and Horse anatomy for performance, amongst others. Highly recommended! Her training courses are in-depth and give valuable insight to both practitioners …

Grounding and Flow

When we say “grounding” we generally mean that we are rooted in this 3D material world. Grounded. Seated upon the Earth. In connection. And this is important. We contrast this with the card of the Dreamer, or “The Fool” in the Rider-Waite Tarot. He has his head in the air, unconnected to the ground. In …

5G Crisis: 2019 Awareness & Accountability Summit

The UK started rolling out its 5G system in May 2019. Whilst much of the discourse concerns the new tech possibilities, and the quest for ever-faster, higher performance mobile phones, many are concerned about the health consequences. There is currently an absence of detailed studies about the potential effects of 5G. The 5G Crisis: Awareness …

Five elements and your horse

The subject of this Mini-Masterclass is the Five Elements Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and how these can help you and your horse in the pursuit of wellness. I will be presenting an outline of what the Five Elements are and how they offer us an amazing path, not only to finding wellness, but also …

Welcome to the Holistic Path!

Welcome to my new website for holistic healing. The site brings together my Reiki, Kinesiology, EFT and Equine practice. In addition to integrating the different strands of my practice, we now have a newsletter Holistic Paths, and you can sign up to receive this on our home page or via the form on the right-hand …