Kinesiology online

During the pandemic, it was naturally impossible for naturopaths, chiropractors, osteopaths, Reiki practitioners, and kinesiologists to perform hands-on sessions.

In response to the lockdowns in 2020, Dr. Ann Jensen (Oxford) produced a training program to facilitate online work for kinesiologists.

I have successfully completed this training program. Having already completed 100s of hands-on sessions since 2016 when I received my Diploma in Kinesiology from the Bristol School of Advanced Kinesiology (BSAK), I am now delighted to be able to offer a fully online approach.

Session aims
The primary aim of our session, lasting about 1 hour, is to assess your present level of health and to then improve upon it. I am able to act as a surrogate for you, and we can work with many different areas of kinesiology, from structural, nutritional, emotional, and energetic issues.

There are also ways of carrying out more detailed nutritional work that can be performed at distance and I will be happy to use these should they be deemed appropriate. Regarding nutritional work, I use a series of bio-resonance test kits for a wide range of foods and I can use these to help determine specific foods that may not be supporting you at this time.

Using additional techniques such as working with Bach flower remedies or EFT Tapping, we can address emotional issues with as much facility as in the therapy room setting.

Evolving our practice to help our clients
Whilst Kinesiology is normally practiced in person, Covid-19 is forcing us to rethink, and to modify our approach. One of the advantages of complementary approaches is that they work holistically to improve our well-being, and thus they can help us in the case where we might be challenged with a potential viral infection. Fortifying our nutrition, strengthening our immune system, reducing our emotional baggage – all are areas that we can work through online.

Support our NHS
The more we support ourselves at this time, the less likely it is that we will require support from the NHS teams who have been working so courageously since March 2020.  My online practice is open Tuesdays through Thursdays, for appointments via the (free) ZOOM app, which you will be required to install prior to your session. I consult from 9h30 to 16h30.

Testimonial for online kinesiology
Today I received my first online Kinesiology session with Dr. Peter Jeffs. At first, I was expecting we might only be able to identify potential health issues holding me back. In fact, the session ended up being much more powerful than that.
By connecting to my energy, and through the use of precise muscle testing, he was able not only to identify specific health issues using distant kinesiology techniques but could go deeper to explore where the problem was coming from, in this case, particular emotional issues. He brought two approaches into the session, Bach Flower Remedies, and also Emotional Freedom Therapy, (EFT Tapping).

As we explored the emotions that have been causing distress, the kinesiology was spot on. Even though I couldn’t consciously describe these feelings, I could feel how right the work was and it was very powerful indeed. 
After working through these issues with online kinesiology, I feel that a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I cannot remember when the last time was that I felt so light and able to see my work just flowing all day long. No tension, no worries, no stress. Peter Jeffs is a very sensitive kinesiologist and has great knowledge. I felt totally comfortable during our 50-minute online session and I highly recommend him to anyone.
MT. London

Please get in touch via the form below if you have questions about the online kinesiology approach, and I will be happy to answer your inquiry. If you wish to book an appointment, we can arrange this either via email or vai phone.

Whilst it is not suggested that the plant be removed from pastures (unless in great quantity), it is important to inspect hay/haylage. In this way, we can ensure that traces of Digitalis have not contaminated our horse’s staple.


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