Grounding and Flow

When we say “grounding” we generally mean that we are rooted in this 3D material world. Grounded. Seated upon the Earth. In connection. And this is important. We contrast this with the card of the Dreamer, or “The Fool” in the Rider-Waite Tarot. He has his head in the air, unconnected to the ground. In the Traditional Tarot the “Fool” is about to walk off the edge of a cliff. 

We can explore this through the Astrology of the three Earth Signs. Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo — each represent a different aspect of grounding. 

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and is the obstacle that we will overcome to create our reality. Taurus, or Fixed Earth ruled by Venus, is the pasture and the playground of that reality that we can delight in. Virgo, or Mutable Earth, ruled by Mercury, is the point where we assess our imperfections to evolve. Grounding is a fundamental part of the astrological plan.

So we are sitting in yoga and we are grounded. This tells us that we are connected through our ground chakra to the Earth. Yet there is another aspect to things. Having recently moved into a home on a canal, another reality is being revealed to me — that of Water. On the canal, our boat is in some sense our grounding but that grounding quite simply “floats”. Let’s look at astrology for a moment. 

The Water Archetypes are also three. Cancer, or Cardinal Water ruled by the Moon, brings us to feelings of home. Scorpio, or Fixed Water, ruled by Pluto, takes us into the depths of existence. Pisces, Mutable Water, ruled by Neptune, takes us out to the sea. Here, tides and currents, take us into the infinite and continual flux of the watery world which is the Ocean. How can these be grounding? 

Here I am looking for another word. I wouldn’t use the term “Watering” which has so many garden connotations that this will not convey the sense. We are looking after all at three distinct archetypes. Home (Cancer). Depth of feeling or profundity (Scorpio). Connection with the greater cosmic wave (Pisces). 

If we look at Capricorn, we must take into account the act of creating a special, not just any, place on the mountain. Capricorn seeks Cancer, as Saturn here seeks the Moon. The rootedness of being, be it a mountain or the place I live, expresses the transition from space to home. This is the personal aspect of rootedness. 

If we take our Grounding in Taurus, we can be well and fine in this place, but not know what lies beneath us. Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, gives us the wisdom to know upon what we are really seated. 

If we now take our Mutable Earth, our Virgo, we develop a critical notion of where we are seated. Virgo is the self-critical faculty that takes us from introspection but into self-criticism. Virgo is matched by Pisces, who enables us to reach a level of oneness with the whole. Despite our imperfections. Virgo ruled by chattering Mercury, gives way to the spiritual expansion of Neptune. If you can fall into sunset upon the shores. Or dive into a Turner seascape in the gallery. You will have experienced this call to the infinite. One which has the potential to lead us to a greater version of ourselves. 

Earth and Water are balanced in the Zodiac. And so Earth and Water must be balanced in life. The Earth archetype is manifest as Grounding. I propose that the Water archetype is manifest as “Flow”. We must balance our Water signs and our Earth signs. Anything that helps us develop our water archetypes will enhance our grounding practice. The two must balance.

Too much earth becomes rigid, like land burnt under a scorching sun. And too much water leaves our houses to be taken downstream by the flood. The land feels best when both sun-soaked and rained upon. It is this equilibrium we must seek.  Extremes will always be extremes. The path of Earth-Water is the path of Grounding and of Flow.

So if your coach asks you to be grounded, listen and root down. But do think for a moment, and remember that all Earth grounding asks to be balanced with Water’s Flow. Each aspect of our Earth-Grounding may be enhanced by Flow. When we can incarnate the Grounding and the Flow, we have reached a new level of awareness. 

Perhaps it is for this reason that Siddharta found illumination on the bank beside a river.

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